How to Construct the Altitudes of a Triangle ⊿

Hi everyone and welcome back to another week of MathSux! For this week’s math lesson, I bring to you four constructions in one in How to Construct the Altitudes of a Triangle. In the video below, we will:

  • Define what an altitude is
  • Find the altitude of an acute, obtuse, and right triangles
  • Discover and define the orthocenter

I hope you find the below video helpful and interesting! Let me know in the comments below and happy calculating!

How to Construct the Altitudes of a Triangle :

An Altitude is a perpendicular line drawn from the vertex of a triangle to the opposite side, creating a 90º angle.

How to Construct the Altitudes of a Triangle

In the video above, we will look at how to find the altitude of an acute obtuse, and right triangle.

How to Find the Orthocenter of Triangle with a Compass:

The Orthocenter is a point where all three altitudes meet within a triangle.

How to Construct the Altitudes of a Triangle

In order to find the orthocenter using a compass, all we need to do is find the altitude of each vertex. The point at which they meet is the orthocenter. Check out the video above to see how this works step by step.

More Constructions?

If you’re looking for more constructions out there, be sure to check out the MathSux Constructions Playlist on YouTube for even more tutorials! I hope you find this video helpful and hope it motivates you to learn even more about constructions (or you know get through your homework/pass that test). Whatever reason you have to learn about constructions I hope this helps! Stay positive and happy calculating!

Still got questions? No problem! Don’t hesitate to comment with any questions below.

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