Personal Trainer – How to Identify a Fake Personal Trainer

Acquiring fake diploma and degree has become a child’s play in today’s times, and we unwittingly fall prey to unqualified men and women in various professions. Going to the gym with wide-eyes and hopes of soon becoming another Stallone or Schwarzenegger you end up with disappointment when you find that the personal trainer over there is a quack. Identifying the credentials of the professionals is increasingly becoming an ordeal. Yet, it is advisable to dig out the credentials of the person, before hiring him. Failure to do so puts us in a dangerous spot, as we are prone to injuries if workouts are not performed appropriately.

Generally everyone entering a gym has this question in mind. How to identify a genuine trainer and be wary of the fakes on the prowl? Perhaps no single method could help you in your quest to identify the fake trainer. A combination of analysis, observation, questioning and references may serve to identify the authenticity of the personal trainer. We set out to do many things banking on the weight of the references. Likewise getting references from satisfied customers of the trainer would help us in avoiding the embarrassment of ending up with a fake trainer.

Analysis and observation of the situation is the best way to judge the genuineness of the claims made by a personal trainer. We find the quacks occupying the two extreme ends of the behavioral spectrum. They either tend to talk too much or keep highly reticent when spoken to. This is truly a very good lead for you to follow carefully and unravel the mystery of the trainer. Personal trainers with improper certification and training keep quiet or answer repetitively in mono-syllables when confronted with questions about things like improving the abs. They even show signs of irritation when you try to discuss

The other types of quacks are the ones who don’t shy from making tall and false claims. These trainers talk non-stop and show no qualms even when you ask them to deliver you the moon. These trainers overtly fix their eyes on your pockets and try to get you on board instantaneously, when you approach them to improve your physique and health. They promise the moon, without batting an eye-lid. Thus a personal trainer who does not assess the situation on a realistic scale and just says that anything is possible can not but be a fake trainer.

Lastly you could find out the credential of a personal trainer by directly questioning about aspects of personal training to assess his grip of the subject. After browsing valuable information on the facts about building your muscles from the internet, you could put him couple of questions directly to hear his answers. Ask him the possibilities of succeeding in your aspiration of adding 50lbs of muscle by the year end. A fake trainer, who is more concerned in making a quick buck, would always wrongly answer that this dream could be definitely fulfilled. The glib talk of a trainer is a sure sign about his vulnerability on the subject.

Some of you may feel hesitant to confront the personal trainer directly about his knowledge. In such cases, you could take along a friend or relative who is well versed about the facts of strength training and make him discus with the trainer the various aspects of the body building techniques. You need not hesitate in interviewing the trainer about his qualification, experience and achievements to conclude about his genuineness. It is essential to uncover the fake trainers right at the start because you run the risk of being injured badly otherwise, while working under his tutelage.